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Crop conversion to organic production method

Crop producers who are converting to organic production may include indications referring to conversion to the organic production method provided that:

  • that the production plan or conversion plan has been approved by the inspection authority or body to which the operator is subject
  • the requirements referred to Article 5(1) or Article 5(3) of Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91 (no longer in force) are fully satisfied, with the exception of that concerning the length of the conversion period
  • a conversion period of at least 12 months before the harvest has been complied with
  • such indications do not mislead the purchaser of the product regarding its difference from products which satisfy all the requirements of Article 5(1) or Article 5(3) of Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91. 

Indications must take the form of the words ‘product under conversion to organic farming', and must appear in a colour , size and style of lettering which is not more prominent than the sales description of the product; in this indication the words ‘organic farming' shall not be more prominent than the words ‘product under conversion to';

  • the product contains only one crop ingredient of agricultural origin;
  • the product has been produced without the use of genetically modified organisms and/or any products derived from such organisms.