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Food Alerts

Recall of Several Batches of Royal Green Food Supplements due to the Presence of the Unauthorised Pe

Friday, 27 August 2021

Alert Summary
Category 2: For Information
Alert Notification: 2021.70
Product Identification: See table below for product details.
Batch Code See table below for batch details.
Country Of Origin: France

Category 2 Food Alert for Information: Batches of several Royal Green food supplements are being recalled due to the presence of the unauthorised pesticide ethylene oxide.


The below batches of Royal Green food supplements are being recalled due to the presence of the unauthorised pesticide ethylene oxide. Ethylene oxide is a pesticide that is not permitted for use in foods sold in the EU but is approved for use by other countries outside the EU. Although the consumption of the contaminated product does not pose an acute risk to health, there is an increased risk if there is continued consumption of contaminated food over a long period of time. Therefore, exposure to this substance needs to be minimised. Point-of-sale recall notices will be displayed in stores supplied with the implicated batches.

Royal Green - Batch info
Royal Green Food Supplements