FAQ: Bringing food into Ireland for personal use.
Questions about bringing food from outside the EU
Can I bring sweets to Ireland from America in my carry-on luggage?
Yes, you can bring American sweets to Ireland in your luggage. However, they must be for personal consumption and should not contain any meat or dairy products. Chocolate, confectionery (including sweets), cakes and biscuits are generally allowed once they are for personal use.
How much meat and cheese can I send to my family in Ireland?
It is illegal to send meat or meat products to Ireland from non-EU countries via post. The import of meat products from non-EU countries is strictly controlled. Small quantities of meat from EU countries may be allowed into Ireland, but it must be in original packaging and for personal use.
Can I bring homemade Christmas cakes or baked goods into Ireland from outside the EU?
Yes, you can bring homemade cakes or baked goods into Ireland. However, they should not contain any fresh dairy or meat.
Are there any restrictions on bringing cheese to Ireland?
You can bring cheese to Ireland if it comes from an EU country. If you are travelling to Ireland from a non-EU country, you are not allowed to bring any dairy or meat products with you.
Can I bring chocolates from outside the EU to Ireland?
Yes, you can bring chocolates into Ireland from outside the EU
Can I bring nuts, dried fruits, or seeds into Ireland from outside the EU?
Yes, you can bring dried fruits, and seeds into Ireland, provided they are for personal consumption. Some nuts, dried fruits or seeds from some third countries are subject to weight restriction 5 kg for fresh products and 2 kg for other dried food product - check this list of restricted items by country carefully.
What is the limit for bringing spices and herbs into Ireland?
You can bring spices and herbs into Ireland for personal use, as long as they are not from high-risk areas and are free from pests. However, some spices and herbs from some third countries are subject to a weight restriction 5 kg for fresh herbs and spices or 2 kg for dried herbs and spices, check this list carefully.
Can I bring alcohol-infused products, such as cakes or chocolates, into Ireland?
Yes, alcohol-infused products like cakes or chocolates are allowed into Ireland, provided they are for personal use.
Can I send food items to Ireland by post?
You can send food items to Ireland by post from an EU country. However, items coming from outside the EU may be subject to customs checks and restrictions. Prohibited items include fresh meat, dairy products, and plants. Always check the regulations for the specific food type you wish to send.
Are there any restrictions on bringing gifts with food for Christmas?
Gifts containing food are allowed as long as they do not contain restricted ingredients, such as fresh meat or dairy.
Can I bring holiday specialty foods like Christmas puddings or mince pies?
Yes, you can bring Christmas puddings or mince pies into Ireland. These items are usually allowed, as long as they do not contain meat or dairy.
I’m travelling to Ireland from outside the EU. Can I bring formula for my baby?
Yes, you can bring powdered infant milk or infant food to Ireland. The formula or baby food must weigh less than 2 kg, it must be in its original packaging, and it should not need to be refrigerated before opening.
I’m travelling to Ireland from outside the EU and I have a medical condition. Can I bring special food for my medical condition?
Yes, you can bring foods for special medical purposes to Ireland. The food must weigh less than 2 kg, it must be in its original, unbroken packaging, and it should not need to be refrigerated before opening.
I’m travelling to Ireland from outside the EU with my pet. Can I bring special pet food that is required for health reasons?
Yes, you can bring special pet food for medical purposes to Ireland. The pet food must:
- Weigh less than 2kg
- be for a pet that is accompanying you
- not need refrigeration
- be in its original, unbroken packaging
Questions about bringing food from another EU country
I’m travelling to Ireland for Christmas from the EU. Can I bring formula for my baby?
You can bring a limited amount (less than 10 kg) of powdered baby milk, baby food, as long as:
- the product does not need refrigeration before use
- the product is in commercially branded packaging
- the packaging is unbroken unless in current use
I’m travelling to Ireland for Christmas from the EU and I have a medical condition. Can I bring special food for my medical condition?
You can bring a limited amount (less than 10 kg) of foods required for medical reasons, as long as:
- the product does not need refrigeration before use
- the product is in commercially branded packaging
- the packaging is unbroken unless in current use
I’m travelling to Ireland from the EU with my pet. Can I bring special pet food that is required for health reasons?
You can bring a limited amount (less than 10 kg) of special pet feed, as long as:
- the product does not need refrigeration before use
- the product is in commercially branded packaging
- the packaging is unbroken unless in current use
For more information on personal imports, please see the Personal Imports page.