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Minutes of the Retail Forum - 11th July 2024

Members Present

  • Dimitrios Vouris, Dunnes
  • Ash Stretton, M&S
  • Clare Walsh, RGDATA
  • Jen Miller, Aldi
  • Joanne Barry, Barrys
  • Pauline Ryall, Tesco
  • Lucy O’Connor, Musgrave
  • Ciara Kane, Lidl
  • Stephen Ohri, Boots
  • Katie Creamer, Aldi
  • Tracey McDermott, Tesco
  • Jenni O’Brien, Avoca
  • Kate Butler, Barry’s
  • Gareth Coburn, Sysco

FSAI Staff Present

  • Rob Phillips
  • Alison Connor
  • Cristina Fernandez-Bugallo
  • Sinéad O’Mahony
  • Cristina Arroyo-Casabona
  • Jill Murphy
  • Clodagh Crehan
  • Ruth Conefrey
  • Ophelie Davies
  • Marta Martin-Aragon
  • Cormac McElhinney
  • Sineád O’Mahony
  • Claire Rogers

1. Welcome and Apologies

Rob welcomed everyone and gave an update on staff changes within FSAI.  Rob welcomed Jill Murphy and Cristina Fernandez Bugallo who have joined the RACB team.  Jill will be developing an eCommerce Industry Forum and Cristina is our Senior Agricultural Officer.

2. Draft Minutes 21st March 2023

The draft minutes were approved.

  • The Food Incident Team will follow up on the infant formula, and the possible use of barcodes in food recalls, outstanding actions.

3. Reformulation

Sinéad O’Mahony provided an update on reformulation and thanked all members for their ongoing engagement and support.  Sinéad provided a case study that was presented at the Nutrition Society meeting and will share the presentation after the meeting if requested.


  • FSAI to send link to the webpage with the progress report.
  • The Collaboration for Health Workshop is on the 6th December 2024 and FSAI would welcome a member of the Retail Forum attending to present a case study.

4. Learning Portal

Ruth Conefrey provided an overview of the FSAI Learning Portal which was launched on the 25th April 2024.

  • FSAI to share the presentation.

5. Divergence

Clodagh Crehan provided an update on divergence issues and reported that FSAI will continue to keep Members informed of any matters of interest.  FSAI asked Retailers to please update the FSAI of any observations they have made on divergence.

6. Food Supplements

Rob provided an update on food supplements, and it was noted that since there has been huge growth in the wellness sector FSAI has seen the number of notifications it has received rise from 3500 to 4500.  As the Competent Authority responsible, the FSAI needed to reconsider how resources can be better spent and will move to risk based processing.  

  • FSAI will seek industry engagement on the new processing of food supplements.

7. Lectins

Cristina informed the Members that it has been highlighted at EU level that there have been a low, but persistent, number of foodborne illnesses related to the consumption of raw or uncooked beans.


  • FSAI is requesting Retailers promote the inclusion of cooking instructions on packaging.
  • FSAI will issue a press release and Q&A in the coming weeks.

8. Honey

Cristina reported that the FSAI is setting up a Honey Fraud Working Group and will collaborate with external stakeholders in the future.  FSAI is asking Retailers sign up to a ’statement of intent’ and will send the draft to Members for comments following this meeting.


  • FSAI to circulate the draft ‘statement of intent’ for comment.

9. Glycerol in Iced Drinks

The use of glycerol in iced drinks is an emerging issue and FSAI is in the process of developing voluntary consumer and industry advice.


  • FSAI will circulate the advice to the Members when published.

10. Online Food Business Forum (eCommerce Forum)

FSAI is in the process of developing a new Online Food Business Forum and will reach out to the members of the Retail and Food Service Forums with further information and invitations to join.

11. Meat Aging

Cristina Arroyo-Casabona reported there is an increase in consumer demand for dry aged meat.  EU Regulation 114/2024 comes into effect on the 9th November 2024 and FSAI is working on the implementation challenges this presents.  


  • FSAI to clarify if dry ageing can be done at retail level.

12. Labelling of Poultry Meat Standards

Cristina Fernandez-Bugallo reiterated the legal requirements for the marketing of poultry meat.  The 2022 derogation in the UK does not apply to any other EU country.  Poultry meat can only be marketed 3 ways; fresh, frozen or quick frozen.

13. AOB

a)    Breakfast Directive

The breakfast directive entered into force on the 13th June 2024 and will be transposed by the 14th December 2025. 


  • FSAI will add the Breakfast Directive to the agenda for the next meeting.

b)    DRS Machines

It was noted that maintaining the cleanliness (particularly DRS machines located outside premises) may pose a difficulty in the warm summer months with sugar/sweet residue on machines.  FSAI reported there has been no negative feedback from EHOs via the Enforcement Consistency Committee.


  • FSAI will keep DRS machines as a standing item.