We have national responsibility for co-ordinating the enforcement of food safety legislation in Ireland. The FSAI is responsible for:
Enforcement and compliance
- Lead and support Ireland’s food safety regulators to implement a fair, consistent and effective system of enforcement.
- Manage risks in the food chain and respond effectively to any national or international food incident or crisis.
- Ensure the safety, integrity and authenticity of the food chain by detecting, deterring and preventing breaches of food law and taking action to protect consumers.
- Strive for a world-class official food control system for Ireland which delivers the best outcomes for consumers.
Science, expertise and evidence
- Support risk-based decision-making and policy with high-quality, independent expertise.
- Expand the evidence base through research, coordinated studies and scientific collaboration.
- Advance risk assessment practice to promote trust and engagement.
- Grow our ability to identify emerging risks and threats to the food chain.
- Influence the development of food standards and enforcement approaches at European and international levels.
Engagement and communication
- Provide clear and evidence-based advice and information to promote food safety and build compliance with food law.
- Work in partnership with the Government and other state agencies, academia and civil society organisations to champion food safety within Ireland.
- Collaborate with key stakeholders to foster and promote a culture of food safety and compliance within Ireland’s food industry.
- Improve our capacity and capability by working with others to advocate for safe and trustworthy food for everyone.
Organisational excellence
- Ensure a high-performing and empowering culture for our people, built on innovation, shared values and teamwork.
- Provide a robust and targeted information framework to deliver internal efficiencies and meet stakeholder and customer needs.
- Ensure that our governance structures support informed and accountable decision-making underpinned by responsive leadership, risk management processes and compliance.
- Embed a culture of quality through ensuring that systems, processes and procedures meet the highest standards.
- Enhance recognition of the FSAI’s identity, influence and reputation among staff, stakeholders and customers.