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FSAI Board Meeting Minutes 3 December 2024


  • Ms Ann Horan (AH) (Chair)
  • Mr Patrick Knight (PK)
  • Prof Martin Cormican (P. MC)
  • Ms Lisa Manselli (LM)
  • Dr Cliodhna Foley-Nolan (CFN)
  • Mr Gerard McCurdy (GMcC)
  • Ms Eilis O’Brien (EOB)
  • Prof Francis Butler (FB)

In attendance

  • Dr Pamela Byrne (PB), Chief Executive
  • Mr Kevin Roantree (KR), Board Secretary
  • Mr Jamie Knox, Chair of the Food Safety Consultative Council (item 4)
  • Ms Gail Carroll (GC), Director of Corporate Affairs (Item 4)
  • Ms Jacqueline Wall (JW), Human Resources and Organisational Development Manager (item 7)
  • Dr Gillian McNamara (GMcN), Programme Manager (items 10.1 & 10.2)
  • Mr Joe McQuaid (JMcQ), Finance and Planning Manager (Item 11.1, 11.2, 11.3)
  • Ms Fiona Dwyer (FD), PA to the Director of Corporate Affairs


  • None

The Chair welcomed all attendees to the meeting noting no apologies or dial-ins.  She reflected on the Board meeting of December last year when there was a lot to cover to complete the annual workplan.  She noted that this year we are in a better position having stayed well on plan throughout the year and thanked FD for helping to keep the workplan on track. 

The Chair gave an overview of the agenda and advised that attendees would join the meeting as follows:

(i)    Mr Jamie Knox, Chair of the Food Safety Consultative Council will present the FSCC 2025 workplan. Ms Gail Carroll, Director of Regulatory Affairs and Compliance Building will also join for this agenda item. (item 4

(ii)    Ms Jacqueline Wall, Human Resources and Organisational Development Manager will provide a presentation on her key priorities for 2025. (item 7)

(iii)    Ms Gillian McNamara (GMcN), Programme Manager (items 10.1 & 10.2)

(iv)    Mr Joe McQuaid (JMcQ), Finance Manager (Item 11.1, 11.2, 11.3)

1. Declarations of Interest

There were no disclosures made by Board members. 

2. Minutes of the last meeting: 22nd October 2025

The Board approved the minutes of 22nd October 2025 subject to the acceptance of the agreed amendments.

3. Matters arising 

FD provided an update on open actions:  

1.    Closed. The HR and OD Manager will attend today’s meeting to provide a presentation on her key priorities for 2025. 
2.    Closed. Board meeting dates for 2025 have been agreed and diary invitations sent.
3.    Closed. As requested, the CEO Report tabled for today’s meeting will include:
•    An update on the blended working report.
•    Sampling rationale for audit of takeaway food businesses.
•    Next steps for the Food Reformulation Task Force 
4.    Closed. Michelle Minihan will join the Board meeting in January to provide an update on audits. 
5.    Closed. JMcQ will provide an update on the cost associated with the two court cases under agenda item 11.1
6.    Closed. The CEO presentation on Agri-food policy has been uploaded to the Board App.
7.    Closed. The Board workplan has been updated to include a regular Board update on changes to International and National agri-food policy strategies and initiatives. 

Jamie Knox and Gail Carroll joined the meeting 

4. Presentation from Food Safety Consultative Council Chair, Mr Jamie Knox 

The Chair welcomed Jamie Knox (JK) and Gail Caroll (GC) to the meeting.  She thanked JK for agreeing to take on the role of Chair of the FSCC.  She noted that the FSCC plays an important role in the FSAI and she expressed appreciation on behalf of the Board for the work that the Council does, particularly given that members give their time and experience on a voluntary basis.  

As FSAI liaison for the FSCC, Gail Carroll, introduced Jamie to the Board members and provided a brief history of his involvement with the Council to date. 

JK firstly congratulated the Board and FSAI staff on the launch of the new strategy earlier that morning.  He thanked the Board for the invitation to join the meeting and present on the work of the Council in 2024 and their workplan for 2025.  He provided the Board with an overview of the current Council membership and informed the Board that the Council has appointed two Deputy Chairs, Paula Barry Walsh and Dave Lang.  

JK informed the Board that the Council have formed a subgroup to facilitate consultations and discussions with FSAI stakeholders for the purpose of contributing to FSAI’s evaluation of the need and potential benefits of a Food Hygiene Rating System (FHRS) in Ireland.  As this is a policy matter, the decision on whether to adopt the FSAI’s recommendations will be made ultimately by the Department of Health. 

Following the launch of the FSAI Strategy 2025-2029, the FSCC’s role within the new strategy will be presented to the Council at their next meeting on 13 December 2024 for discussion and feedback.  The Board will be updated on this at their January 2025 meeting. 

PMC noted the importance of both the Scientific Committee and FSCC liaising while working on their separate functions and roles for the potential adoption of a FHRS in Ireland.

Gail Carroll informed the Board that the FSCC Governance Framework will be reviewed and as part of this she will incorporate a formal liaison mechanism for the Scientific Committee and FSCC. 

GMcC who was former CEO of the FSAI NI spoke of his experience with the implementation of a FHRS in Northern Ireland.  He noted that engagement with retailers and regulators and the training of inspectors to ensure standardisation of results will be crucial to a successful implementation of this initiative should it go ahead. 

The next FSCC open meeting will take place on Tuesday 25 February 2025. This will be an in-person event with the venue to be confirmed in due course. The topic for this meeting will be Artificial Intelligence in the Food Industry. Board members will be kept updated on the event. 

The Board reviewed and approved the proposal for a temporary change of membership of the Council due to maternity leave cover.  JK will review the membership of the FSCC to identify any gaps in areas of representation.  

JK thanked GC and her team for their continued support to the Council.  He also congratulated PB on her very successful 10-year term as CEO of the FSAI and wished her well in her future endeavours.  
Board members and the CEO acknowledged the work of Gail Carroll as FSAI Council Liaison, and the members of the FSCC who over the last number years have brought the council forward and provided a very valuable contribution to the work of the FSAI. 

The Chair thanked JK and GC for joining the meeting.

Jamie Knox and Gail Carroll left the meeting 

5. CEO Report

The Chair advised that the report should be taken as read.  She welcomed the confirmation from the LAVS Steering Group advising that the transfer will take place on 1st January 2025.  She thanked all involved for their hard work in getting the process to this point.  

The Chair invited the CEO to respond to the questions she received on her paper in advance of today’s meeting. 

Audit of Ready to Eat Fishery Establishments

The CEO responded to requests from Board members for additional information on the audit of Ready to Eat fishery establishments and noted that the audit report will be provided to Board members once it is completed. 

Blended Working Report 

The Chair, while noting that the results of the Blended Working Report were very positive, requested an update on any actions to be taken following the report.

The CEO informed the Board that a small group was formed to review the Blended Working Report and to identify appropriate actions to reflect the recommendations and improve the FSAI’s blended working environment. ‘Actions to Enhance’ were identified covering a number of themes including: 

  • Technology & Facilities (e.g. Digital telephone project) 
  • Policies and Procedures (e.g. Updating HR policies and integrating into PMDS planning) 
  • Communications (e.g. Updating the Internal Communications Policy) 
  • Culture (embedding Values in a blending working environment) 
  • Training (managing in a blended working environment & enhancing stakeholder engagement) 

These actions were presented to the SLT who are in the process of reviewing with the purpose of incorporating them into the 2025 work plans. It was also noted that FSAI will complete a further internal review of blended working in mid-2025 which will be based upon the recently shared Blended Working Evaluation Model by DPENDPDR. 

Action: An additional update on the blending working actions will be provided to the Board for its January meeting. 

Student Placements 

The CEO informed the Board that for 2024-2025, 113 applicants applied for 7 available positions.  All student placements are paid positions. Student placements can be for a period of 3 months to 1 year. 

Protected Disclosures 

Following a request for clarification, the CEO briefed the Board on how protected disclosures are dealt with in house or referred to NEHS or other official agencies for action where appropriate. 

The Chair on behalf of the Board congratulated the CEO in her recent UCC Alumni award which provides well deserved recognition from her alma mater. 

6. Enforcement Orders

The schedule of recent Enforcement Orders was noted by Board members. 

Jaqueline Wall joined the meeting 

7. Presentation from Jaqueline Wall on Human Resources and Organisational Development work priorities for 2025 

The Chair welcomed JW to the meeting and invited her to introduce herself and take the Board through her initial work priorities and plans for the FSAI People Strategy and organisational culture review. 

JW provided some insight into her career to date. She gave a presentation on the planned HR & OD Maturity Model for 2025-2027 and beyond.  She informed the Board that work has commenced on the FSAI People Strategy.  The strategy will have 4 main pillars of, Talent Acquisition & Resourcing, Learning and Development, Continuous Improvement and Culture. The Board will be kept updated on the progress of the People Strategy. 

Action: JW’s presentation will be uploaded to the Board app. 

The Chair thanked JW for her presentation.

Jacqueline Wall left the meeting

Gillian McNamara joined the meeting. 

8. Periodic Critical Review (PCR)

The Chair welcomed GMcN to the meeting.  She updated the Board on progress with the PCR and advised that at the latest Steering Group meeting, a DoH representative asked that special thanks be given to GMcN for her support and collaboration with Indecon during the review process.  A draft report will be shared with the Steering Group at their next meeting on 11th December.   After that, the draft will be shared with the FSAI to check for factual errors and points of accuracy.  A revised draft will then be tabled at the next Steering Group meeting in late January.  The process is going well and so far, there are no concerns about the process or the draft recommendations.

The CEO informed the Board that the FSAI will address the recommendations of the PCR review as part of the business planning process.

9. A 10-minute break was taken.

10.    Business Planning and Reporting 

10.1 and 10.2 Strategic Plan, 3-year implementation plan and Business Plan 2025

The Chair advised that she would take agenda Items 10.1 and 10.2 together. The Board discussed the 3-year Strategic Plan, the implementation plan and the 2025 business plan as a complete suite of documents.  The Board noted that the planning phase of the process is complete, and going forward the Board will monitor the implementation of the plan via the business plan quarterly reports.  It was agreed that at the start of year three (2027) the Board will carry out a full formal review of the Strategic Plan.

The Board requested an update on the Total Diet Study.  The CEO informed that Board that funding, although sought through the Estimates process, has not yet been secured to enable the commencement of the study.  It was noted that the cost of completion is estimated at approximate 550k- 1m.  

Action: The Chair and CEO will discuss the Total Diet Study with the DoH at their next meeting.  
The Chair thanked GMcN, Consultant, Geoff Dooley, the SLT, staff of the FSAI and the Board for their involvement in the development of the new Strategic Plan 2025-2029. 

Gill McNamara left the meting 

10.3 Work Plan 2024

The 2024 workplan was completed as planned. 

10.4 Work Plan 2025

The dates for the 2025 Board meetings have been agreed and diary invitations sent to Board members.  The Chair requested that Board members aim for full attendance at Board meetings and to let FD know if they anticipate problems with any of the dates for next year, while there is still time to propose alternative dates.  The workplan remains a live document and will be reviewed with the new CEO when appointed and by the Board at each meeting. 

Joe McQuaid joined the meeting 

11.1 Finance and Governance Update 

The Chair noted that the financial report was reviewed by the ARC at their meeting on 19th November.  She drew Board members attention to the reconciliation on page 7 of the financial report, which shows that, excluding items not within our control, the FSAI will make a surplus of €2k in 2024.  She congratulated the SLT and JMcQ on their diligent management of the financial position for the year.   JMcQ highlighted the main points of the report and provided information on the cost of two legal cases as requested. 

The CEO informed the Board that the FSAI responded to the letter from the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) informing them that matters raised within the 2023 accounts have now been resolved.  FSAI have since been informed that the PAC has been dissolved until a new Government is formed. 

The Board approved the FSAI Procurement Policy.

11.2 Audit and Risk Committee Update 

GMcC provided an update on the Audit and Risk Committee meeting 19th November 2024. He noted that a request for expressions of interest for a vacancy on the Audit and Risk Committee have been posted on the FSAI website, FSAI social media platforms and notified to ACCA Ireland and the Chartered Accountants Ireland for advertising to their members.  The closing date for applications is 16th December 2024.
GMC informed the Board that IT manager Marc Kane attended the ARC meeting to discuss the draft Business Continuity, Incident Management Plan.  It was noted that a significant number of internal audit actions linked to this project have now been closed out.  A simulation took place on Wednesday, 27th November to test the plan. Business continuity training sessions will be provided to Board members, Senior Leadership Team and staff of the FSAI in 2025.  

GMcC informed the Board that approved ARC minutes are available for Board members to view on the Board app. 

The ARC Effectiveness Survey has been circulated to all ARC members for completion.

11.3 Risk and Opportunities Register (ROR)

The Board noted the ROR as tabled. KR informed the Board that a review of the ROR and Risk Appetite Statement will be carried out by the SLT in earlier January. 

Joe McQuaid left the meeting

11.4 Performance Remuneration Committee update  

There have been no PRC meetings since last Board meeting.  PRC members have continued to work on the recruitment of the new CEO. 

11.5 Scientific Committee update

PMC advised there are no issues that require the boards attention.

11.6 Board Effectiveness Review  

The Board Effectiveness Self-Assessment Survey will be circulated this week for completion by 10th January2025. 

12. AOB

12.1 Public Appointments Service update 

The Chair provided an update on the appointment of new Board members via the public appointments service.

13. Private Session 

The Board held a short private session at which the Chair briefed the Board on progress towards the recruitment of a new CEO.

Date of next meeting: 28th January 2025

FSAI Board Actions: December 2024

# Action Date Raised Owner Status TCD Month/ year


Update on the blending working actions will be provided to the Board for its January meeting. 

Dec 24



Jan 25


Upload HR presentation to Board app

Dec 24



Dec 24


Chair and CEO to discuss Total Diet Study with DoH

Dec 24



Q1 2025

All actions closed from the previous meeting on 22 October 2024.

To Note: Actions raised by the Board will be placed into the Actions table and remain there until completed (or removed by request of the Chair). Once an action is completed it will be marked as such for one meeting prior to being removed.