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Food Alerts

Recall of a Batch of BetterYou Folic Acid Daily Oral Spray Due to Diminishing Levels of Folic Acid w

Tuesday, 01 December 2020

Alert Summary
Category 2: For Information
Alert Notification: 2020.91
Product Identification:  BetterYou Folic Acid Daily Oral Spray, pack size: 25ml 
Batch Code  02T0190; Best before 01/02/2022
Country Of Origin: United Kingdom

A batch of BetterYou Folic Acid Daily Oral Spray is being recalled due to the levels of folic acid diminishing within the shelf life.


BetterYou is recalling the above batch of its Folic Acid Daily Oral Spray due to diminishing levels of folic acid. The active shelf-life of two years can no longer be supported, and the manufacturer has suspended the production and sale of the product while it investigates this matter further. Point-of-sale recall notices will be displayed in stores supplied with the implicated batch. 

BetterYou Folic Acid