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Food Alerts

Recall of JLM Foods and JLM Family Butchers Meat, Meat Products and Meat Preparations Due to Process

Friday, 29 May 2020

Alert Summary
Category 1: For Action
Alert Notification: 2020.28
Product Identification: All meat, meat products and meat preparations from JLM Foods and JLM Family Butchers, Main Street, Tyrrellspass, Co. Westmeath; all pack sizes.  See some examples in photos below.
Batch Code All batch codes, all use by dates
Country Of Origin: Ireland

Category 1 Food Alert for Action:  All JLM Foods and JLM Family Butchers meat, meat products and meat preparations are subject to recall.


All meat, meat products and meat preparations from JLM Foods and JLM Family Butchers, Main Street, Tyrrellspass, Co. Westmeath are being recalled as they were processed in an unapproved establishment, and were not subject to official controls.  The traceability and accuracy of the labelling information provided is non-compliant.

Action Required:

Manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, caterers & retailers:

Retailers are requested to remove the implicated meat, meat products and meat preparations from sale and to display a point-of-sale recall notice in stores where these products were sold.  Wholesalers/distributors are requested to contact their customers and recall the affected meat, meat products and meat preparations and advise their retail customers to display a point-of-sale recall notice in stores.Caterers should not use the implicated meat, meat products and meat preparations.


Consumers are advised not to eat the implicated products.

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