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11am, 10th October 2023

Members Present FSAI Staff Present
Claire Briody, Tesco Rob Phillips
Elaine Clohosey, BWG Alison Connor
Clare Walsh, RGDATA Nuala Collins
Loretta Shepherd, Aldi John Graham
Aileen Nolan, Dunnes Orla Moore
Catherine Poole, Aldi Sinéad Murphy
Aoife Noonan, Lidl Mícheál O'Mahony
Claire Rooney, Musgrave Patrick Conneely
Jenni O’Brien, Avoca Claire Rodgers
Dimitrios Vouris, Dunnes Linda Daniels
Patrick Battersby, Sysco Clodagh Crehan
Gareth Coburn, Sysco Caoimhe Casey
  Elaine Madden
  DFAM Staff Present
  Angela Robinson
  Kay Coakley
  Audrey McSweeney
  Kate Flynn

1. Welcome

Rob welcomed everyone to the meeting including colleagues from the Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine (DAFM).

2. Draft Minutes 20th June 2023

The draft minutes were approved.

  • Queries on freezing of product are dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
  • All queries to the FSAI should be sent to the FSAI Adviceline in the first instance to ensure they are responded to and recorded.

3. Reformulation

Nuala Collins gave a presentation on reformulation and advised the Salt and Sugar Reports are now on the FSAI website.
FSAI invited the Retail Forum members to attend a found table discussion which will take place in January 2024.  FSAI once again thanked the Forum for their facilitation and help with this important work.

  • FSAI to send invitations to the Forum to the round table discussion.
  • FSAI agreed to online meetings with the Trade Teams within the various supermarkets (at their request).

4. Wine Regulations

Audrey McSweeney, Food Industry Development Division (FIDD, DAFM) gave a presentation to the group on the wine regulations.  The Commission are in the process of drafting a Q&A on the legislation. Publication of the Q&A is planned for November.  There was a query on the labelling of wine that is currently ‘in tank’ maturing, and DAFM will provide a response directly to Aldi following the meeting.


  • FSAI to circulate the presentation to the Forum.

5. Sustainability 

FSAI has only received 3 responses to the sustainability survey and will therefore re-circulate it before providing feedback. It was noted there is some difficulty completing the survey with franchise stores. There was a discussion on de-forestation regulations and several queries were raised.


  • FSAI will re-send the sustainability survey.
  • FSAI will share the survey results at the next meeting.
  • FSAI will share its position on the de-forestation policy at the next meeting.

6. Food Safety Culture

Dr Micheál O’Mahony gave a presentation on food safety culture and noted that Annex II of Regulation 852/2004 applies to all post-primary Food Business, including retailers.  FSAI undertook a fact-finding review of the competent authorities and FBOs in 2023 and will develop guidance in 2024.


  • FSAI will circulate the presentation to the Forum.

7. IFFSA (Irish Food Fraud Strategic Assessment)

Orla Moore provided a presentation on IFFSA and reported it will be the first assessment of its kind for FSAI and will set a baseline understanding of the nature and extent of both current and likely future food fraud threats.  FSAI will engage with Industry, Academia and other interested group, and threat assessments will be taken by commodity. The 1st IFFSA assessment will be completed in Qtr. 2 2024.  


  • FSAI will send the questionnaire to the Forum.  Forum members are asked to share the questionnaire with their colleagues.
  • FSAI will circulate the presentation to the Forum. 

8. Import Data Dashboard

Claire Rogers and John Graham gave a presentation on the TRACES system which is managed by the EU Commission.  Claire reported that TRACES is used in about 90 countries, with more than 55,000 users and its purpose is to streamline the certification process.


  • FSAI will circulate the presentation to the Forum.

9. Titanium Dioxide (E171)

FSAI reminded the Forum that the additive E171 is now banned in the EU, but the UK have continued to permit its use.  FSAI repeated that there should be no food products placed on the Irish market containing E171 unless they were placed on the market prior to the 7th August 2022.


  • Forum members to check products and supply base for E171.

10. Windsor Framework

Clodagh provided a presentation on the Windsor Framework including some important phased dates.  FSAI has published a Q&A for consumers and FBOs which is available on the website.


  • FSAI will circulate the presentation to the Forum.

11.    AOB

a)    request from the Coeliac society of Ireland for information on food supplements and foods which are gluten free

The Coeliac Society of Ireland contacted FSAI regarding work they are undertaking to develop a list of gluten free foods to support individuals with coeliac disease. 
They are looking for information from businesses/retailers on food supplements and foods which are gluten free and who would be willing to be included on the listing. Businesses would need to sign a declaration to confirm there is no gluten in their ingredients used or with cross contact (as this is optional) to be listed.

If you are able to provide such information, please contact directly Sarah Keogh, dietitian with the Coeliac Society at

b)    Glycerol in Slushies

FSA UK & Scotland has issued guidance on the labelling and use of glycerol.  FSAI has raised the issue with the EU Commission and CION has called for information from Member States.  CION will inform EFSA, who will make an assessment.


  • FSAI will provide an update at the next meeting (if available).

c)    Sulphites Consultation

FSAI thanked everyone for their responses to the recent consultation and reported the EU Commission has extended the deadline so there is still time to contribute.


  • FSAI will circulate an update from the Chemical Safety Team.