- Ms Ann Horan (AH) (Chair)
- Mr Patrick Knight (PK) Online
- Prof Martin Cormican (P. MC) Online
- Ms Lisa Manselli (LM)
- Dr Cliodhna Foley-Nolan (CFN)
- Mr Gerard McCurdy (GMcC)
- Ms Eilis O’Brien (EOB)
In attendance
- Dr Pamela Byrne (PB), Chief Executive
- Mr Kevin Roantree (KR), Board Secretary
- Ms Gillian McNamara (GMcN), Programme Manager (items 6 & 7)
- Mr Joe McQuaid (JMcQ), Finance and Planning Manager (Item 11.1)
- Ms Gail Carroll (GC), Director of Corporate Affairs (Items11.2)
- Ms Fiona Dwyer (FD), PA to the Director of Corporate Affairs
- Prof Francis Butler (FB)
The Chair welcomed all attendees to the meeting. She noted that agenda items may be taken out of sequence as GMcC, PK and PMC have all indicated that they will need to leave the meeting before 1pm.
The Chair gave an overview of the agenda and advised that attendees would join the meeting as follows:
(i) Ms Gillian McNamara (GMcN), Programme Manager (items 6 & 7)
(ii) Mr Joe McQuaid (JMcQ), Finances Manager (Item 11.1)
(iii) Ms Gail Carroll (GC), Director of Regulatory Affairs and Compliance Building (Items11.2)
1. Declarations of Interest
There were no disclosures made by Board members.
2. Minutes of the last meeting: 17 September 2024
The Board approved the minutes of 17 September 2024 subject to the acceptance of the amendments agreed.
3. Matters arising
FD provided an update on open actions:
- Closed. A GenAI workshop will take place in PWC offices this afternoon.
- It was agreed that Jacqueline Wall, newly appointed Human Resources and Organisational Development Manager will be invited to attend the Board meeting on 3rd December 2024.
- Closed. The 3-year implementation plan is included on today’s agenda.
- Board dates for 2025 need further consideration. FD will circulate diary invitations when agreed.
4. CEO Report
The Chair noted the publication of the Annual Report for 2023 and thanked all involved for their hard work in the compilation and design of this important document.
The Board congratulated the FSAI team involved in the EFSA Crisis Exercise.
The Chair advised that the CEO report would be taken as read and asked the CEO to address the questions received in relation to her report.
Prof. Martin Cormican joined the meeting.
Transfer of the Local Authority Veterinary Service to Dept of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM)
The CEO advised the Board that since the circulation of the Board papers there was further progress made on the transfer of the LAVS to DAFM. She provided the Board with an update on the new developments.
The Board raised concern over the risk that costs relating to the transfer would have to be paid by the FSAI without receiving additional funding from the DoH. The CEO informed the Board that the FSAI had received assurances by email from DoH, that the DoH is working with the DoH’s Finance Unit to identify the best mechanism to provide the additional funding to the FSAI.
Update on the Blended Working Report
Following a request for an update on the Blended Working Review, it was agreed that the Board Secretary would circulate the executive summary, the list of recommendations from the report and the action plan to address the recommendations. The Board asked for confirmation of the cost of the Blended Working report.
Action: KR to circulate information on the Blended Working review, as agreed including the cost of the report.
Enforcement Action
The CEO provided the board with an overview of the initiatives taken to assist FBOs, including those for whom English is not a first language, which is the case for many food sector workers. She informed the board that our compliance building information is easily translated using standard online translation tools. It was noted that the FSAI ‘Food Safety and You’ programme for food business regularly includes representatives from the food industry who are not native English speakers and who are responsible for delivering training and compliance within their businesses. She confirmed that FSAI have had very positive feedback on the effectiveness of this programme. The ‘Safe Food to Go’ leaflet is available in 7 languages and outlines the food safety skills that food handlers must be able to demonstrate before they start handling food in the workplace. The FSAI learning portal contains a variety of learning courses and resources focused on supporting food businesses to comply with their food safety obligations.
Board members discussed the FSAI targeted audit of food takeaway businesses undertaken earlier in the year, for which individual FBO audit reports and overall summary reports are due to be published. FSAI intends to use this summary report as a tool to highlight key messages for the takeaway sector.
Action: The CEO to include additional information relating to the sampling rationale for audit of food takeaway businesses in her December CEO report.
Action: Michelle Minihan to attend the Board meeting in January to provide an update on audits.
Monk Fruit Decoctions
The CEO provided an update on the expected legal costs for the case which will be confirmed at the next Board meeting.
Action: JMcQ to provide an update on the costs of the Monk Fruit Decoctions and the Celtic Pure court cases within the Finance and Governance update to the Board in December 2024.
Food Reformulation Task Force
The Board discussed the status of the Food Reformulation Task Force. The CEO informed the Board that she and the Director of Food Science and Standards met with the Dept of Health (DoH) and requested clarity on the future of the task force.
Action: The CEO to update the Board on the reply from DoH in relation to the next steps for the Food Reformulation Task Force when received.
The Chair informed the Board that she was due to meet Ms. Jacqueline Wall (JW), the new Human Resources and Organisational Development Manager. It was agreed to invite JW to join the Board at their December meeting for the agenda item on the FSAI People Strategy and to outline her initial work priorities.
Action: FD to invite JW to attend the December Board meeting.
5. Enforcement Orders
The schedule of recent Enforcement Orders was noted by Board members.
Gill McNamara joined the meeting
6. Periodic Critical Review (PCR)
The Chair thanked GMcN for her report and for her work as the FSAI representative on the project team.
The Chair informed the Board that the next PCR Steering Group meeting has been postponed until 7th November. Papers for the meeting have been circulated including a presentation from Indecon on their preliminary findings. While the paper is confidential and cannot be shared at this point, she noted that the draft findings are positive, and a good endorsement of the work undertaken in recent years by the CEO and the team at the FSAI.
7. 3-year Strategy Implementation Plan
The draft 3-year strategy implementation plan was circulated in advance with the Board papers. This document forms part of the strategic plan and along with annual Business Plans will guide the activities of the organisation in the years ahead. The Board will monitor implementation of the plan on a quarterly basis through the Business Plan quarterly reports and at the midterm point when a full review of the strategic plan will be undertaken.
The CEO advised that following the approval of the FSAI’s Strategic Plan (2025 – 2029) the SLT and Management Team (including the Chief Specialists) engaged to discuss the key priorities to be included in the 3Y Implementation Plan. The following high level priorities emerged from those discussions
- Implementation of the data-driven 3-year plan
- Increased collaboration with EFSA with FSAI as an active and trusted partner of EFSA.
- System wide coordinated and consistent management of incidents and crises
- Collating the evidence regarding impact of a hygiene rating scheme for food businesses and agreement on a way forward.
- Improved delivery of official controls at a strategic and operational level to enhance effectiveness and FSAI leadership
There was some discussion around the level of detail in the plan. On balance, it was felt that the combination of the Strategic Plan, the Implementation Plan and the individual annual Business Plans would provide an adequate suite of documents to guide activities over the term of the plan. This set of documents, including the 2025 Business Plan will be tabled at the next board meeting and this question will be discussed again to ensure that we have everything that we need to enable the implementation and monitoring of the plan.
Action: PB agreed to review the recommendations of the expert panel and update the Board on the rationale to accept or reject their recommendations.
The Chair thanked GMcN for attending the meeting.
Gill McNamara left the meting
Joe McQuaid joined the meting
11.1 Finance and Governance Update
KR provided an update on the financial forecast to the end of December 2024 and informed the Board that due to the onus on FSAI to fund the pay increases from the existing budget, the SLT are working to manage costs as appropriate to year end.
Action: The draft FSAI Procurement Policy will be tabled at the December Board meeting.
Action: LM requested the costs of the blended working review be provided in the December Finance and Governance report.
The Board discussed and approved the revised version of the Matters Reserved for the Board document.
Joe McQuaid left the meting
Gail Carroll joined the meeting.
11.2 Food Safety Consultative Council paper on the appointment of a new retail representative to the FSCC
The Chair thanked GC for the information provided on the candidates. The Board discussed the applications received and agreed that while each candidate was suitably qualified for the position on the FSCC, the position should be offered to Ms Elaine Clohosey.
Gail Carroll left the meeting.
11.3 Scientific Committee Update
PMC informed the Board that the Scientific Committee met earlier this month and is progressing several scientific opinions, however he does not anticipate presenting any further papers to the board before next year.
11.4 Audit and Risk Committee Update
GMcC, Chair of the ARC, provided an update on the committee’s recent meeting, held on 24th September 2024. He noted that during the meeting, in line with the code of practice requirement for internal and external auditor engagement, the ARC held a private session with the internal auditor and the Office of the C&AG representatives. He confirmed that during the private session he received positive feedback from both the Office of the C&AG and BDO representatives in relation to their engagement with FSAI.
GMcC noted that the ARC was pleased with the progress made on closing out internal audit actions. He advised that the internal auditor would provide a draft internal audit programme for 2025 at their next meeting, 19th November 2024.
11.5 Risk and Opportunities Register
The Board noted the Risk and Opportunities Register which was reviewed by the ARC at their meeting in September.
13. Board Private Session
A 10-minute break was held after which the Executive left the meeting, and the Board held a private session.
During the private session, the Board considered a request by the Chair on behalf of the CEO to approve the proposed Ministerial appointment of the CEO to the Board of Horse Sport Ireland. The Board were happy to approve the appointment and passed on their good wishes to the CEO for this important role.
The Board also discussed and approved a request from the CEO to receive payment in lieu of holidays for her outstanding leave due at the end of the year and for any leave accruing up to the date of her departure in March 2025. The estimated cost of these holidays was disclosed at the meeting.
Prof. Martin Cormican left the meeting
11.6 Performance and Remuneration Committee (PRC)
The Chair informed the Board that the PRC have not met since the last meeting of the Board, however progress has continued on the selection process for the new CEO. The position was advertised in early October with a closing date of 28th October 2024.
11.7 Annual Review of the Board Terms of Reference
The Board Terms of Reference were tabled for an annual review. The document was discussed and approved by the Board subject to the inclusion of the revised Matters Reserved by the Board document which was approved by the Board under Agenda item 11.1 above and a wording amendment proposed by PK which was agreed by Board members.
10.1 Business Plan Q3 progress report
The Board discussed the document and questioned if the higher number of amber deliverables within Goal 1 indicated a need for additional resources in this area. The CEO did not feel this was a contributing factor and explained her thinking on the matter. Overall, the Board expressed satisfaction with progress to date and noted that no deliverables were in the red category and of the 54 deliverables 48 were on track to be delivered as planned in 2024. All amber rated deliverables were explained in full and had satisfactory action plans.
Pat Knight left the meeting
10.2 Board Workplan 2024
It was noted that the Board workplan is on target with just one item on Culture postponed for discussion with the new HR and OD manager at the December Board meeting.
FD advised that a launch event for the new Strategic Plan will take plan on 3rd December at 9am, on the morning of the Board meeting. On the same day, following the Board meeting, Board members will join the FSAI staff for an end of year lunch.
10.3 Board Workplan 2025
The Board reviewed the plan.
Action: FD to circulate the dates for 2025 once they have been agreed.
Gerry McCurdy left the meeting
8. Presentation from CEO on Agri-food Policy
The Chair noted that the request for this presentation arose from the recent Board Skills audit. She thanked the CEO for a very interesting and insightful presentation and proposed that policy matters including international and national agri-food policy strategies and initiatives should be on the Board agenda on a regular basis to help to keep Board members fully up to date.
1. Upload slides on Board App
2. Include policy updates on the 2025 board schedule
12. Any Other Business
New Board Application
FD updated the Board on the status of the new Board Application. Two applications were tested over a two-month period and it was agreed to proceed with the IBABS application. Administrator training will take place before the end of the year and it was agreed that Board member training will be incorporated into the 28th January 2025 Board meeting.
Horse Sport Ireland
The Board congratulated the CEO on her appointment to the Board of Horse Sport Ireland.
Board Effectiveness Review 2024
The Chair advised that the next board effectiveness review is due to take place in December. As we are on a 3-year cycle of 2 internal followed by one external review, this year’s review will take the same format as last year. The Chair asked FD to review the questions in advance of circulation to see if any questions needed to be clarified based on last year’s responses. Board members requested an update on last year’s action plan in advance to be available for the next Board meeting.
Action: Circulate an update on last year's Board Effectiveness action plan .
The meeting ended at 12.45pm.
Board members had lunch in the board room and afterwards, two board members joined member of the SLT and FSAI in the offices of PWC for a training session on Artificial Intelligence.
Date of next meeting: 3rd December 2024
FSAI Board Actions: October 2024
# | Action | Date Raised | Owner | Status | TCD Month/ year |
1 |
The HR and OD Manager will be invited to attend the Dec Board meeting |
Sep 24 |
FD |
Open |
Dec 24 |
2 |
FD to circulate the proposed Board dates 2025 |
Sep 24 |
FD |
Open |
Dec 24 |
3 |
CEO Report for Dec to include;
Oct 24 |
PB |
Open |
Dec 24 |
4 |
Michelle Minihan to join the Board meeting in January to provide an update on audits. |
Oct 24 |
FD |
Open |
Jan 25 |
5 |
Finance and Governance Paper Dec to include:
Oct 24 |
JMcQ |
Open |
Dec 24 |
6 |
Upload Agri-food policy presentation on the Board App. |
Oct 24 |
FD |
Open |
Oct 24 |
7 |
Changes to International and National agri-food policy strategies and initiatives should be added to the workplan for highlighted to the Board as they arise. |
Oct 24 |
FD |
Open |
Dec 24 |
There were 2 actions closed from the previous meeting on 17 September 2024.
To Note: Actions raised by the Board will be placed into the Actions table and remain there until completed (or removed by request of the Chair). Once an action is completed it will be marked as such for one meeting prior to being removed.