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EFSA Information

Ireland's contribution

EFSA Information

Ireland’s Contribution to EFSA’s Advisory Forum, National Focal Point and Scientific Committees, Panels and Networks.

  • National Focal Point

    The national Focal Points are considered EFSA’s ‘ambassadors’ in the Member States. In Ireland, the FSAI is named as the national Focal Point. They serve act as the interface between risk managers, national authorities, research institutes, stakeholders and consumers in the Member States and ensure the adequate and timely two-way exchange of all relevant information. The role of the Focal Point is to keep EFSA and Advisory Forum members informed of national risk assessment and scientific developments. The network of Focal Points coordinate communications with risk assessment institutes in the Member States and are closely involved in work programmes conducted by EFSA and by national authorities.

    You can contact the FSAI Focal Point by emailing:

  • Article 36 List

    The Article 36 List is a list of competent organisations that are eligible to assist EFSA in its tasks through responding to calls for proposals (Article 36 grants). 

    The organisations included on the Article 36 List are designated by Member States with the support of EFSA Focal Points and must comply with criteria set out in Commission Regulation (EC) No. 2230/2004. Since organisations evolve and needs change with regards to scientific and policy developments, the list is regularly reviewed.

    Networking with these organisations facilitates the coordination of activities, exchange of information, development and implementation of joint scientific projects, as well as the sharing of expertise and best practices in the fields within EFSA’s remit.

    Scientific projects are supported by EFSA through grants and public procurement. Organisations can submit proposals for grants following the publication of calls for proposals (open to Article 36 organisations only) or following publication of calls for tenders (open to all applicants according to the specifications of the call).

    Benefits of becoming an Article 36 organisation include; funding opportunities, access to information and networking opportunities. See more information on Article 36 on the EFSA website.

  • Advisory Forum

    EFSA’s Advisory Forum connects EFSA with the national food safety authorities of all EU Member States. Its members represent each national body responsible for risk assessment in the EU. Dr Wayne Anderson, FSAI, represents Ireland on the Advisory Forum.

    The Forum is at the heart of EFSA’s collaborative approach to working with the EU Member States. Through it, EFSA and the Member States can join forces in addressing European risk assessment and risk communications issues.

    Members use the Forum to advise EFSA on scientific matters, its work programme and priorities, and to address emerging risk issues as early as possible.

  • EFSA Scientific Committee and Panels

    EFSA’s Scientific Committee and Panels are composed of highly qualified experts in scientific risk assessment, with a breadth of expertise allowing EFSA to address all aspects of its remit: from food and feed safety to nutrition, animal health and welfare, plant protection and plant health.

    Members of EFSA’s Scientific Committee and Panels are appointed through a rigorous selection procedure on the basis of proven scientific excellence. The scientists work for EFSA in an independent capacity, bringing their expertise and experience from a diverse range of backgrounds together in a joint assessment result. 

  • EU-FORA - The European Food Risk Assessment Fellowship Programme

    EFSA’s EU-FORA fellowship programme offers a unique opportunity to motivated early to mid-career scientists from EU national risk assessment authorities and any other Article 36 organisation to increase their knowledge and experience in food safety risk assessment.

    The programme’s principal focus lies on chemical and microbiological risk assessment. It is aimed at professionals with a background in fields such as molecular biology, biology, microbiology, veterinary/human medicine, agronomy/agricultural science, biochemistry, chemistry, environmental science, food technology or toxicology.