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Scientific Recommendations for Food-Based Dietary Guidelines for 1 to 5 Year-Olds in Ireland

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Discover the recommendations the FSAI has made for the diets of children aged 1 to 5 Year-Olds in Ireland

In early childhood, food provides nutrients, promotes growth and development, fosters nurturing and caring, demonstrates love, and affirms parental ability. The period from 1 to 5 years of age is an exciting and challenging time of transition from a predominantly milk-based diet at the end of infancy, to a fully mixed diet by the time of starting school. Development of physical skills and increasing autonomy are intrinsically linked with food intake.

A total of 640 4-day food intake patterns, representing 2,560 days, were developed and analysed in order to establish the food-based dietary guidelines for 1–5 year-olds in Ireland.

The purpose of the report is to develop scientific, food-based dietary guideline recommendations for children aged 1–5 years in Ireland.

To find out more about the research undertaken and  the recommendations provided, download this report.

Report cover