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Summary of the European Salt Action Network (ESAN) Statement on “Population Dietary Salt Reduction and the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease"

Thursday, 24 October 2019

Evidence supporting global actions for a moderate reduction in salt consumption to prevent cardiovascular disease is strong

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) due to high blood pressure is the main cause of death and disability in

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that diet and lifestyle improvements are the best options to reduce the risk of CVD in these people. As shown in a number of research studies, one key lifestyle change is to reduce the amount of salt (sodium) consumed daily as high salt intake is associated with high BP. If a person reduces the amount of salt they eat, they are seen to have lower blood pressure and therefore a lower risk of CVD.

WHO dietary guidelines recommend a 30 % reduction in salt consumption by 2025 across the population - the ideal individual target is no more than 5 g of salt (2 g of sodium) consumed by an individual per day.

Find out more about these recommendations and the research behind them in this publication.

Publication cover