Maximum per serving salt targets for pizza sold in the foodservice sector: consultation outcome | Food Safety Authority of Ireland Skip to main content

Maximum per serving salt targets for pizza sold in the foodservice sector: consultation outcome

Friday, 13 September 2024

A report by the Food Reformulation Task Force about the outcome of its consultation on maximum per serving salt targets for pizza sold in the foodservice sector.

Given the high salt content of pizzas sold to both adults and children by Irish foodservice outlets, and in line with the requirements set out in the Roadmap for Food Product Reformulation in Ireland, the Food Reformulation Task Force has developed draft maximum per serving salt targets for pizzas served in the Irish foodservice sector.

This report summarises the feedback received in response to the public consultation on the draft maximum per serving salt targets for pizza sold in the Irish foodservice sector, which was open between 1 July 2024 and 29 July 2024. 

Following the completion of this consultation, the Food Reformulation Task Force will consider the feedback provided by all parties and will reflect this when finalising the maximum per serving salt targets for adult and children’s pizza sold in Irish foodservice outlets.