Event date: Wednesday, 26 April 2023
Location: Silver Springs, Tivoli, Cork, T23 E244
The Department of Health aims to reduce calories, saturated fat, sugar and salt in the Irish food supply. Food manufacturers, retailers and the food service sector are being asked to use less calories and less of these target nutrients in many everyday foods and drinks. Voluntary targets finalised in December 2021 are intended to help people improve their diet and overall health.
The Department of Health established the Food Reformulation Task Force which is a strategic partnership between the Food Safety Authority of Ireland and Healthy Ireland. The purpose of the Task Force is to implement the Roadmap for Food Product Reformulation in Ireland. It will help drive progress towards the targets to reduce calories, saturated fat, salt and sugar in everyday processed foods and drinks by working with industry and stakeholders.
This is the second in-person workshop, hosted by the Food Reformulation Task Force, which will provide a platform for conversation and information sharing on food reformulation in Ireland.
For further information on food reformulation in Ireland, please click here.
To register for this event, please click here.