The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) comes under the ægis of the Minister for Health. It currently has an eight-member Board. This is advised by the Scientific Committee and the Food Safety Consultative Council. The Chief Executive is the direct link to the Board. Within the FSAI, there is the CEO's Office, which includes Communications, Public Health Nutrition Policy and the Albania Project, and five functional areas:
- CEO's Office
- Corporate Affairs
- Enforcement Policy
- Audit, Incidents and Investigations
- Regulatory Affairs and Compliance Building
- Food Science and Standards
The organisational structure of the FSAI is set out in this diagram:
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Organisation chart
Within the FSAI, there is the CEO's Office, which includes Communications, Public Health Nutrition Policy and the Albania Project, and five functional areas. These are CEO's Office, Corporate Affairs, Enforcement Policy, Audit, Incidents and Investigations, Regulatory Affairs and Compliance Building and Food Science and Standards