In accordance with Section 8 of the Freedom of Information Act 2014 (‘Publication of information about FOI bodies’), the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) publishes its FOI Disclosure Log at regular intervals.
This Disclosure Log provides details of certain FOI requests but, in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018, does not contain personal data. It does, however, contain information such as
- the date of the request
- the category of the requestor (e.g., journalist, member of the public, member of a business/interest group, member of the Oireachtas, member of a Local Authority, etc.)
- a summary description of the FOI request
- the decision made and,
- in the event that the request was granted, the date the records and/or information was released
Disclosure Logs
Details of requests received since 2021 are provided in the FSAI’s FOI Disclosure Logs. Details of requests received prior to 2021 are available on request.
Information to be published routinely
We publish information on a routine basis. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Annual Reports
- Each Quarter, we are obliged to report to the Department of Health on prompt payments in line with the Government Decision No. 29296 of 2 and 8 March 2011. See the relevant information on prompt payments.
- Minutes of FSAI Board Meetings
- Reports and other publications