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Advice for food businesses regarding the sale and consumption of slush ice drinks


Slush ice drinks are beverages that can contain glycerol (E 422) as a substitute or partial substitute for sugar. Glycerol helps maintain the slushy texture by preventing the liquid from freezing solid. While glycerol is generally of low toxicity, there are concerns about its effects on young children when consumed in large quantities.

Health advisory for young children 

The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) recommends that children aged 4 years and under should not consume slush ice drinks containing glycerol and that consumption should be limited to no more than one per day for children aged between five and ten years of age. This is due to the potential side effects such as headaches and sickness, particularly when consumed in excess. Similar advice has been issued in the United Kingdom. 

Regulatory background 

In the European Union (EU), glycerol (E 422) is authorised as a food additive in accordance with Annex II of Regulation (EC) 1333/2008 on food additives. It is permitted for use at “quantum satis” in flavoured drinks. Quantum satis means that no maximum numerical level is specified, and substances must be used in accordance with good manufacturing practice, at a level not higher than necessary to achieve the intended technological purpose and provided the consumer is not misled. 

Potential changes at EU level 

The FSAI has raised this matter with other Member States and the European Commission and its EU Working Party of Governmental Experts on Additives. Any change to the current food additive legislation, that may be necessary, will have to carried out at European level. The FSAI’s advice may change in the future in the event of changes to current legislation.

Voluntary industry guidelines 

Manufacturers, distributors and retailers of slush ice drinks containing glycerol need to take the following action. This advice to industry has been developed to protect young children. This advice is considered best practice for businesses producing, distributing and retailing slush ice drinks to achieve compliance with the legal obligation placed on food business operators (FBOs) not to place unsafe food on the market (Article 14 of EU Regulation 178/2002 - General Food Law): 

Awareness: FBOs should inform their customers of the FSAI's advice regarding glycerol in slush ice drinks. 

Formulation: The additives legislation requires that where glycerol is used, in slush ice drink it is only present at the minimum quantity necessary to achieve the required slush effect. 

Point-of-Sale Warning: Sales of slush ice drinks containing glycerol should be accompanied by a written warning visible at the point of sale stating, "Product contains glycerol. Not recommended for children 4 years of age and under." 

Free Refills: To prevent over consumption, the business model of free refills is not recommended in venues where children under 10 years of age will consume them.

Basis for this advice

Reports of illness in children under 4 years of age following consumption of slush ice drinks containing glycerol were issued in Scotland. The FSAI advice is based on a conservative exposure scenario of a slush ice drink containing up to 50,000 mg/L of glycerol consumed in a 350 ml portion size drink. Should the industry collectively decide to lower glycerol levels in the future, this advice can be reassessed.

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